This vehicle is located at :
Centennial Honda | 1-902-436-9158
2016 Honda HR-V LX AWD
This vehicle is located at : Centennial Honda1-902-436-9158
2016 Honda HR-V LX AWD
Did you know Centennial Honda has the #1 ranked service department in Atlantic Canada for customer satisfaction?
Thank you for your interest in this vehicle. It's located at Centennial Honda, 610 South Drive, Summerside, PEI. We look forward to hearing from you; call us toll-free at 1-902-436-9158.
Interested by the 2016 Honda HR-V LX AWD ?
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify any information in question with a sales representative. Information being displayed may not match the exact vehicle being displayed.
** Taxes, shipping and preparation not included. Does not include current promotions.
This vehicle is located at :
Centennial Honda | 1-902-436-9158
This vehicle is located at :
Centennial Nissan of Summerside | 1-902-436-9159
This vehicle is located at :
Centennial Nissan of Summerside | 1-902-436-9159